Our Ellie girl is 9 months old! Aaaah! 3/4 of a year old! In no time she'll be one. Nooooo. Wahhhh! My baby, my baby. Phew. Mmmkay, glad I got that out of my system. But for real. Time goes way too fast. Especially with a second born. I can't even imagine what it would be like for any possible future babies. Possible as in...not possible at the moment. Like possibly I'm good with maybe just two? ;) ha!
So Ellie. What has the 9th month brought us? Not a ton of new huge things. We are seeing her personality come more and more. She's a mix of extremely sweet and chill...and drama. Like she can be so dramatic. She'll throw herself down on the floor...or look straight at us and cry LOUDLY if Jack takes something from her. But if I say, "Ellie, you're ok." She literally stops immediately and goes on with life. So she's getting it. She's starting to grasp how to work the system. :) It's both funny...and slightly shocking considering she's a BABY. Baby's ain't no fools you guys!
She's highly mobile. Can crawl crazy fast. She's also started this weird one leg scoot. Basically she sits on one leg and uses the other to scoot herself along. Very funny. And slightly odd.
She adores food and has pretty much left the world of baby food behind. If it's something she can chew she basically just eats what we eat. Jason has already snuck her plenty of sweets. For example, apple pie, and some milkshake. Did you see the Instagram video of the milkshake? Pure comedy.
Jack is still her favorite person hands down...unless she's hungry, then I move up on the list quickly. She nurses plenty still and sleeps ok-ish. Sometimes she'll go long stretches but for the most part she wakes up twice a night.
She is about 15.5 lbs...can't remember the height. Basically she's in the 5th percentile in weight and about 50th in height.
Her absolute favorite thing is to play outside in the backyard. She'll be back there right next to Jack digging in the dirt, climbing on the train ramp, and whatever else you can imagine. Sometimes I'm not able to watch her closely (she still puts evvvverything in her mouth) and so I don't let her outside...even though Jack gets to go out. She'll sit at the screen door banging on it and screeching until usually her daddy has pitty on her and takes her out. :)
And THAT my friends is our Ellie-girl at 9 months. We love you you crazy baby! <3
Almond Cake
3 days ago