Friday, August 30, 2013


Well, I'm linking up with Jeannett for the first time evuh.  I've been meaning to do it for a while but I'm sorta technologically inept.  I got my stuff together though and figured this nonsense out.  Go me.  I've been a little light on Instagram though this week.  The huz is between his summer and fall semester so we've been playing tourist in our lovely San Fran city.  Busy living life.  Anywho.
Look at this little stinker.  He's was chillin in my bathrobe on the bed.  What a life.  This little monkey is now 11 weeks old and has been sleeping through the night since around week 6 or 7.  The last week and a half though.  He's all, "Yeah, mom, you liked that little taste of sleep I gave you?  SIKE.  Takin' it back."  He's decided that waking up every 2-3 hours to eat is now dandy.  The kid guzzles the milk too at these night time feedings.  I'm HOPING this is a growth spurt that will soon pass.  Hoping.  :) 

So we ordered a play mat on Amazon but living in San Francisco means that the postal peeps refuse to leave it on your doorstep.  USPS leaves it at the nearest postal office.  No big deal.  You can pick it up.  UPS though apparently sends it back.  Lame.  So, we had to re-order it and in the mean time my genius hubs tied a string between two chairs and laid down a blanket.  Ghetto play mat!  :)  Funny thing is that we have since received the real play mat.  Figures that the boy likes the ghetto one just as much or more then the fancy store bought one.  Oh well. :)

Happy Friday!  Hope you all have a splendid Labor Day weekend!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Welp, we are back.

We had a lovely week in San Luis Obispo seeing friends and family...introducing our little Jack to those who haven't met him yet. 

It was our first time traveling with Jack.  Because...we still don't have a car.  Yeah.  Basically I'm an idiot and messed up (with the help of the insurance lady) on how much having a baby was going to cost us.  I could write a whole post on this buuuut...I won't.  Basically a car will have to wait because the money just plain isn't there.  So, we rented a car for the week.  Jack did...okay.  haha.  For the most part he was pretty good.  Unfortunately the kid doesn't love his car seat.  We had two full blown melt downs.  I've never seen him so sad.  Ugh.  Once on the way back from dinner and once while on a walk (he has to use the car seat in his stroller).  Anyways, aside from those 2 episodes...he did great.  On the way home to San Francisco he pretty much slept the whole way.  yay.

So I just love our kiddo.  Seriously, sometimes I just look at him and think, "For real?!?  He's ours?"  Yeah.  Being a mama is a crazy thing.  Just thought I'd put that out there.  :)

So Jack has been a rockstar sleeper...until the last couple of nights.  No bueno.  He's been doing this weird thing where he grunts in his sleep starting at about 3am.  I think he wants to be fed but he's gone so long without waking up in the middle of the night that it's hard for me to see the "need".  Anyways, tonight I'll try to just get up and feed him.  Maybe he'll sleep more soundly/quietly after he eats.  :)

Also on Jack...cause I mean...what else IS there to talk about??? :)  He got his 2 month shots yesterday.  I HATE shots.  I REALLY hate having my kid get shots.  Jason has to go and hold him down haha.  Yeah, I'm a wimp.  Anyways, 4 shots.  Poor baby.  And 5 hours later we had a sad, whimpering, fevery little baby.  He just curled into Jason and whined quietly until he fell asleep.  Broke my heart.  We finally broke down and gave him some infant tylenol.  Today he's been just plain fussy and whiney.  Hopefully tomorrow is a better day.  For his sake...and for ours.  ;)

Anyways, I'm missing San Luis.  I've never had the desire to live in SLO until we had Jack.  Suddenly family seems so much more important.  I would love for our little boy to be able to grow up with his family near by.  But...we'll see what the Lord has for us. 

Well, happy Tuesday everyone.  :)

Monday, August 12, 2013

Jack: 2 Months

"Daddy Moby"

Jack's first Muni ride :)

Yeah Thug
Bath Time! <3

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

This and That

  • Jack is sleeping in the entry his stroller.  Don't want to wake the little guy up.  Mama's got things to do like...clean out the refrigerator and stuff diapers...and blog.  :) I did the first two things already...promise!
  • We are leaving for San Luis Obispo soon and I am so ready and so excited.  Partly because if I have to live in ONE more day of perpetual fog I'm going to go crazy.  Seriously, cuh-razy.  I have never spent a summer in San Francisco.  I work in San Mateo which is 20 miles south and so I've always experienced sun during the summer.  I'm pretty sure it's been foggy almost every day since we brought Jack home from the hospital.  Shoot me.
  • If you don't follow me on Instagram then you won't know that I had a random adorable old lady give Jack $20 at the mall yesterday.  Yeah, odd.  But cute.  So, I was standing in line at Starbucks and she started talking to me.  She was all up in my bubble.  So much so that she put her hands on the stroller handle...with me!  hahaha.  She was like 90 years old though so I made an exception.  :)  Anyways, she told me about how she had 3 babies within 3 years (oh my word) and yada yada.  I also liked her because she kept commenting on how fast I got my figure back (why thank you).  ;)  Anyways, after I ordered I was walking away and she grabbed my hand and put $20 into it and said to buy Jack something.  I resisted with all that I had...and everyone was staring at us like I/she was crazy.  She wouldn't budge.  When we were waiting for our drinks I tried to give it back again and NOPE she refused.  She said that this is what you do when you have a baby in her culture (she was Chinese) and that she does it all the time.  bahaha.  So, I just took it, said thank you, and that I would buy him something in her honor and tell him about it when he gets older.  She was the cutest thing ever and what a totally random act of kindness.  :)
  • Forever21 is a postpartum savior.  So, in reality I have my qualms in regard to cheap fashion.  Have you heard of the Bangladesh factory that collapsed?  Stores like H&M and Forever21...not a huge fan of.  They feed this "fashion changes every month and you can have it for dirt cheap because we have sub par manufacturing facilities abroad" problem.  Buuuuuuuut.  I can't afford to buy a new pair of pants every 3 weeks.  Forever21 has jeans for $8.  They are so cheaply made gotta do what you gotta do I guess.  Anyways, I highly recommend it for the postpartum ever changing body.  
  • Mastitis #4.  Just saying.  boo.  I'm a PRO though at kicking it without antibiotics.  A pro I tell you.  Overproducing milk has it's good parts but chronic mastitis is NOT one of them.
  • Ordered Jack a Woombie and a playmat on Amazon today.  I'm ready for that Woombie let me tell you.  The kid is driving me nuts.  I woke up last night and he had his arm coming out the top of his SwaddleMe and he was hitting himself in the face.  Special child.  No wonder he woke up. haha.  He's becoming more and more aware.  He smiles at us and is beginning to smile at toys.  We have tile floors and no where to lay the kid down except in his crib.  Anyways, this one is foldable apparently.  Hopefully he likes it.  :)
  • We ventured downtown a couple of days ago...just Jack and I.  We took the Muni train.  I felt like such a city-savvy girl.  :)  I remember that I drove down there when we first moved here to go to Anthropologie and it took me like an hour to get there...and I paid $10 in parking.  The muni train dropped us off in front of took us 25 minutes and $2.
  • Aaaaaand my baby is waking up.  Time to feed the little man.  It's been real yo. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Happy 3 Year Anniversary San Francisco

Well, today marks 3 years in San Francisco.

I can't believe we have been here that long.  I ask myself, "Does it feel like home?"  Yes and no.  In some ways I feel like SLO is "home" and yet now that we've had Jack...?  San Francisco definitely has a large place in my heart.  It feels more like home because this IS Jack's home.  So, let's do a recap shall we...maybe a recap in pictures?  :)

Fall 2010: Jason starts grad school at SFSU!

We had our first visitors soon after we moved to San Francisco.  We enjoyed pastries and one of San Francisco's many museums.  One of the great things about moving to San Francisco is that people love to come visit you.  There's always something to do!  :)
 Our first San Francisco Christmas...holy cow I was skinny.  ;)
February 2011:  We celebrate 2 years of wedded bliss.  :)
The best part about moving to a new city is being able to explore it and "get to know it".  SF and us...we're BFF's now.
We did a couple of backpacking trips.  :)

In between the two backpacking trips Heaven let in a sweet little angel (we lost our first baby when I was 7 weeks pregnant).

And in October 2012 God blessed us with our 2nd pregnancy. <3
And in June 2013 we brought home a true blue San Francisco born local (apparently San Francisco locals are rare haha).

Our baby Jack!

God has been so good to us here.  We feel very blessed to be here and have seen His hand in our lives almost daily.  So here's to 3 years in this crazy, diverse, foggy city!!!  Can't wait to see what our future holds.