if you missed the last post.
You should go read it.
Assuming you've done that...onward!
So. Pregnancy the 2nd time around?
Well. It definitely moves a lot faster. At this point at least. I'd say the first 10 weeks felt like an eternity because things were just very uncertain. But yes...I can imagine that 40 weeks will be here in a blink. Chasing a crazy toddler around and trying to manage everything else I guess makes the days and weeks go by fast.
Are we finding out the gender? Yes. I wanted it to be a surprise but I could tell that I was pressuring Jason into agreeing with me...and not really listening to what he ACTUALLY wanted to do. We wives aren't ever guilty of that right? ha! Anyways, I just let him decide and he wants to find out. Apparently if there is ever a baby #3 (3????) then that one can be a surprise. :) We find out though in just under 2 weeks! I've been having a lot of "girl thoughts" lately but we will see. ;)
How am I feeling? This pregnancy was different. With Jack I was sick right at 4 weeks and basically sick from sun up to sun down...with a small reprieve between 2-4pm. I wasn't totally sick all day with this pregnancy but when I was it was much more intense and debilitating then with Jack...and it started at around 6 weeks instead. Even now I am completely repulsed by the smell/idea of eating sautéed onions and garlic. Blaaaak. With Jack's pregnancy I has ZERO increase in appetite. I probably ate less actually then I normally do. With this one during the 1st tri I was hungry alllllll the time. But for specific, horribly unhealthy things...along side strong aversions to a lot of foods. Lovely. I feel like my appetite has leveled out a bit and I'm slowly able to eat things again...but no onions and garlic. Also I dealt a lot with headaches this time around. And ice water. Ice water was so delicious...and still is. I normally prefer my water room temp but not with this pregnancy.
Weight/size? I feel huge already. Looking at the picture I took of me last week at Target though it seems about the same as my pregnancy with Jack. I just feeeeeel bigger I guess. Things are more achey and ouchy...but that could be because of the 26 lb toddler I pick up far too often. I also threw out my back a couple of days ago. That's been interesting. :)
So with Jack I had the best, most even complexion I've ever had. My hair was rockin' too! This pregnancy....not so much. Pimples are making their presence known and my hair...doesn't seem to have improved or diminished. It's just the same ole hair...but growing a bit faster. I forget how fast your fingernails grow...and how little your leg hair grows. I'm liking the lack of leg hair. :)
A couple of people have asked what Jack thinks about the pregnancy. He has no clue. I should probably start talking to him about the idea of a baby. I figure we have plenty of time. In a few months he might actually understand what we are talking about a bit more. :)
And that's it. The latest on the bump.
Am I the only one that loves the bump? I mean...I just think they are so amazing and represent something truly beautiful.
Oh...and I just thought you should know that I decided that it was a good idea to store a few things in my in-law's attic...including my maternity clothes. When you have a 6 month old though getting pregnant again seems like a looooooong way off. Ha! I had one pair of maternity pants in my closet on accident and let's just say that those pants are getting a lot of use. Ha!
Ready to go home for Christmas so that I have some clothes again! :)
Rye Crepes
1 day ago