You know what? I've been doing a lot of thinking about myself, my habits, and my spending.
When this gets dangerous. And slightly annoying ha. So watch out.
So...I'm buying into the lie.
I'm buying into the lie that I have to have THE best. That I deserve THE best. That if I don't have THE best then other people will look at us and think, "Oh...that's too bad."
I don't know where this came from. I mean I used to be totally cheap. Spending more then $20 on anything outside of mandatory bills and a grocery trip used to make me cringe.
And now here I am researching umbrella strollers (spending an embarrassing amount of time on it). I'm looking at $250 umbrella strollers! WHAT?!? That's ridiculous. I mean I want it to last through a couple of kids and it needs to have some unique features to make it compatible with our San Francisco life but when did spending $250 on a stroller (a backup stroller I might add) become non-cringeworthy?
I mean. If we made double what we made...maybe we could do that...maybe.
But we don't.
We pay our bills. We have a student loan. We have just enough to have a little extra and put a tiny TINY amount into savings.
So, what am I doing? What are WE doing?
I know I'm not alone.
I've had my eye on a double stroller (NOT pregnant, just admiring for the possible future) that is get this...$600. When looking at the stroller I tried not to think about. You know, deny the fact that it literally costs HALF of what we paid for our little pick-up truck. But when I see it typed out $600 it makes me kinda sick. I have a few friends up here who have that stroller. And I think it's fine because I know that they HAVE the money to spend...and still give plenty to others.
But we don't.
Spending money on the supposed BEST right now is a huge sacrifice for us. It means that we give less...or maybe not at all. I would imagine there is some mother out the U.S. or abroad who is lugging her child around and would gladly take one of those cheap $20 umbrella strollers.
I think when it boils down to it...I think about what kind of message it's sending to my son.
He doesn't know what's going on right now but he will soon. How awesome would it be if one day when given the choice he chooses the cheaper item...that is really just as functional, because he sees the wisdom in spending within his means. How MUCH more awesome would it be if one day, given the financial opportunity, he chooses the cheaper, functional item so that he can give the extra money he saved to someone in need.
This is very unlikely to happen unless I begin modeling it myself.
So there you go. I don't think I really felt this pull and pressure until I had to start buying baby products. I guess I typed all this out as sort of a public proclamation of my desire to spend within my means, to sacrifice my "I'm the mom with the BEST products for my kids" image. Because's a dumb image. There, I said it. It's dumb because it's not real. Or sustainable. Or what I really want to be known for. I also maybe want to speak to anyone who is feeling the same pressures and temptations and let them know...that I feel you, you're not alone...and we don't have to buy into it. Our kids are loved by how much time we spend with them, the tickles, the hugs, the kisses...not because he has the best stroller, shoes, outfit, swaddle blankets on the block.
**I am well aware of the fact that the more expensive stuff is often touted as the "safest" stuff. Toys made in Denmark vs. China and etc. That makes me sad. ALL toys should be equally safe and equally non-toxic. There shouldn't BE this divide. Every mother should have the opportunity to buy a toy or product and KNOW FOR A FACT that it is safe and non-toxic. No mother should have to sacrifice safety because she can't afford the alternative. Or maybe...just maybe...those plastic toys aren't ALL that bad. I think that there is definitely a bit of fear tactic used sometimes by other, higher end companies. But THAT is a whole different post. ha. :)**
Rye Crepes
1 day ago