Monday, January 21, 2013

Quilt for a Baby Boy

I haven't thought much about decor for a baby room because...well, we aren't really going to be decorating one.  We have a spare bedroom but we probably won't be staying in our current house for long enough to invest in decorating a room.  Plus, our house is a bit small and so the "baby room" is also our spare room for when guests come and also has Jason's desk.  Granted all of these things may need to be rearranged but if we end up uprooting in boy won't probably even spend that much time in the room.  I'm guessing he'll be in our room at the beginning.

That being said I have decided that I will do a crib quilt.  That transports easily and every kid needs a baby blanket.  :)  Being that I plan on hand quilting I figure I should get started here.  I am half way through this pregnancy already.

I love quilts.  And it usually takes me a lot of time to decide on a print.  But honestly...I came upon this one pretty fast.  I was looking for orange, blues, and grey and this line fits perfectly.  I love most of this designers lines.  I also wanted something simple, relatively masculine, and yet still "baby".

It's the Bella line by Lotta Jansdotter and I love it.  :)

What do you think?



I love basic square quilts so I'll do something similar to the one above.  On the back I think I'll do some minky fabric (I don't LOVE the way minky looks but it's so darn soft).  Not sure.  Anyways, a quilt for a baby boy.  Love. 


  1. That was the fabric I liked for a boy too!! But its ok, cuz I'm having a girl right?

  2. Wait, are you? I totaly imagine you with a girl for some reason. Maybe there's something to that. :)

  3. Love the fabric! Love the quilt. So, by "hand quilt" do you mean you don't use a machine AT ALL?? Like you only use a needle and thread to make the whole thing?? Clearly I'm an ametuer. Please enlighten me b/c that sounds straight up crazy.

  4. Ha! Yeah right! I'll piece the whole thing with a machine but the actual quilting part (quilting the layers together) I'll do by hand. If I was doing a large one I'd pay to have someone else do it. In a perfect world I'd have my own quilting machine. But I don't so hang it is. :) And it will be very simple straight line quilting by the way.

  5. We find out what we're having in a couple weeks. We're convinced its a girl. So much that we're afraid we'll be bummed if its a boy! But everyone I know is having a boy, so now we're unsure!
